Jurnal ocimum sanctum pdf

Ocimum sanctum american journal of essential oils and natural. Of these, ocimum tenuiflorum, also known as ocimum sanctum, tulsi, or holy basil from the family lamiaceae has been described as the queen of plants and the mother medicine of nature due to its perceived medicinal qualities singh et al. Ocimum sanctum is an annual herb belonging to the mint family with 150. Ocimum is the lamiaceae genus of basils, its taxonomic name likely deriving from the greek word okimon for a fragrant or aromatic herb smith, 1971. Pdf ocimum sanctum linntulsi herb has been known from as the vedic period. Stem cells is read and written by clinical and basic scientists whose expertise encompasses the rapidly expanding fields of stem and progenitor cell biology. Ocimum sanctum holy basil, tulsi is a plant with known medicinal properties since the vedic period is classified as a rasayana, a herb that. Traditional systems of medicine have been using ocimum sanctum l. Hasil uji mann whitney dan independent ttest menunjukan perbedaan bermakna pada kadar estrogen dan fsh masing masing kelompok. Daun ocimum sanctum berwarna hijau sampai hijau kecoklatan, berbau aromatik yang khas dengan rasa agak pedas. Tulsi is a medicinal plant present in india recognized and prized for its medicinal. Helaian daun bentuk lonjong memanjang, bundar telur atau bundar telur memanjang, tulangtulang daun menyirip, tepi bergerigi dangkal atau rata dan bergelombang, daging daun tipis, permukaan berambut halus, panjang daun 2,5 cm sampai 7,5. Abstrak perbandingan efek pemberian ekstrak etanol daun kemangi ocimum sanctum l.

Uji efektivitas sediaan hand sanitizer kombinasi ekstrak. Ocimum sanctum also known as tulsi or holybasil is an aromatic plant and it belongs to the family lamiaceae. Because of multifarious potentialities and fine aroma chemicals, ocimum possesses tremendous medicinal. Labiateae or lamiaceae comprises 30 species which are found in tropical and subtropical regions. Ocimum basilicum, popular known as basil or sweet basil, is a common herb that belongs to. Jurnal kedokteran brawijaya is a b accredited national journal 20142019 based on the decree of the directorate general of strengthening research and development of the ministry of research, technology, and higher education republic of indonesia no. Sampai sekarang sudah ditemukan 7 jenis tanaman ocimum, yaitu ocimum gratissimum, ocimum basillicum, ocimum americanum l. This was a pure experiment with post test only control group design. A research of the antibacterial activity test extracts of basil ocimum sanctum l against pathogenic bacteria by using klt bioautografi. Pemberian bubuk daun kemangi ocimum sanctum meningkatkan kadar hormon estrogen, fsh, lh dan mengakibatkan folikel antral ovarium pada mencit mengalami atresia. Terhadap daya hambat pertumbuhan staphylococcus aureus dan salmonella typhi secara in vitro oleh atika threenesia latar belakang. As plants known for medical value, the plants of genus ocimum. Tulsi, which is called the holy basil, and scientifically known as.

Ocimum sanctum is a widely branched, erect, stout and aromatic herb, about 75 cms high. P sims college of pharmacy, mangaldas nagar, guntur, a. But the scientific basis for its medicinal use especially in pain and inflammation remains unknown. Ocimum sanctum indian holy basiltulsi sunita verma abstract oscimum sanctum commonly known as tulsi, belong to lamiaceae family. Ocimum sanctum l is one of the medicinal plants in indonesia that has been used empirically. Different parts of the plant are used of many illnesses like cough, influenza, axonomy. It is known kemangi leaf had contained saponins, flavonoids and tannins that benefit as antibacterial, while in research by susanti, 2010 had proven that leather of citrus hystrix contained essential oil as antibacterial and used as antiseptic in pharmaceutical case. Review article chemical constituents and pharmacological.

Ocimum sanctum uses pdf seeds and even whole plant of ocimum sanctum linn known as tulsi in. Nyamuk aedes aegypti merupakan suatu ancaman bagi manusia karena merupakan vektor utama penyebab deman berdarah dengue. Ocimum taxonomy, medicinal potentialities and economic value of essential oil. Ocimum taxonomy, medicinal potentialities and economic. Therefore, the present study was aimed to investigate the analgesic and antiinflammatory effects of the leaves of ocimum sanctum in laboratory animals.

Tulsi the wonder herb pharmacological activities of. The aims of this research were to study ointment base effect against physical properties and antibacterial effect of basil. Biologi skripsi diajukan kepada fakultas keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan universitas. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk uji toksisitas akut daun kemangi dengan spesies yang berbeda ocimum canum. The objective of the study was to analyse different phytochemical components of. Ocimum sanctum have been proven effective in decreasing follicle stimulating hormone fsh, luteinizing hormone lh levels, and sperm number, and also increase male testosterone levels. Constituents of ocimum sanctum with antistress activity. Ocimum tenuiflorum synonym ocimum sanctum, commonly known as holy basil or tulsi, is an aromatic perennial plant in the family lamiaceae. Ocimum sanctum tulsi or holy basil has a very special place in the hindu culture.

Effendi, juniar ikhsan and, tanti azizah sujono, m. First, in a strictly physical sense, the plant is gorgeous. Optimizing eugenol extraction conditions from fresh and dried samples of holy basil ocimum sanctum. The present study was focused on evaluation of antimicrobial activity of ocimum sanctum leaf extract in normal tap water and local river water. Antiseptic activity, kemangi leaf cytrus hystrix leather, gel antiseptic hand sanitizer. Leaves and flowering tops are used for extracting essential oil. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kandungan senyawa metabolit sekunder yang terdapat pada daun rukuruku ocimum tenulflorum l. Perbandingan efektifitas perasan daun kemangi ocimum. Basil ocimum sanctum l extracted by maceration method using ethanol 70%.

Uji aktivitas antihiperurisemia ekstrak daun kemangi. Eugenol in therapeutic potentials of ocimum sanctum l. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan efektivitas perasan daun kemangi ocimum sanctumdan daun sirih piper betle l sebagai larvasida pada larva aedes aegypti instar iii. The plant is also known to contain substances as antibacterial and antifungal. Klasifikasi tanaman tanaman herbal ini awalnya diperkenalkan di india dan sekarang telah menyebar di seluruh dunia, termasuk indonesia. Tanaman kemangi ocimum citriodorum sebagai sumber ide penciptaan tas kulit.

Optimizing eugenol extraction conditions from fresh and. It is native to the indian subcontinent and widespread as a cultivated plant throughout the southeast asian tropics. A potent adaptogen tulsi is an aromatic shrub in the basil family lamiaceae tribe ocimeae that is thought to have originated in north central. Ocimum sanctum linn labiatae, known as holy basil, is a commonly used home remedy and has been advocated for various ailments like cold, fever, dysentery, hemorrhage and dyspepsia, glucoma, cataract, chronic conjunctivitis, and other painful eye diseases, as well as gastric and hepatic disorders in indigenous system of medicine. Ocimum sanctum holy basil a phytochemical study of the leaves of o. It is widely used as medicine to cure various ailments. Uji kemampuan ekstrak daun kemangi ocimum sanctum l. Pharmacognostic and phytochemical studies of ocimum americanum. Terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri escherichia coli dan staphylococcus aureus. P, india abstract ocimum sanctum is an annual herb belonging to the mint family with 150 varieties worldwide. Tanaman ini tumbuh ditempat tanah terbuka maupun agak teduh dan tidak tahan terhadap kekeringan. Its purple flowers are delicate and painterly, and construct the most beautiful bloom towers at the plants full.

It is known kemangi leaf had contained saponins, flavonoids and. Untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana kesehatan masyarakat. Uji aktivitas sitotoksik kombinasi ekstrak etanol daun. Tulsi leaf extract has phenol, flavonoid and saponin compounds which are potential as antioxidant and increase defensive factors in the gastric.

Breast cancer is one cause of death in the world in women, including indonesia. The antimicrobial effect was studied with different. Article pdf available in indian journal of history of science 512. Skripsi thesis, universitas muhammadiyah surakarta. The purpose of this research was to find out the effect of tulsi ocimum sanctum leaf extract in polymorphonuclear pmn inflammatory cell infiltration in gastric of aspirininduced gastritis rat model. Uji aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak etanol daun kemangi ocimum sanctum l. Tumbuh kurang lebih 300 m di atas permukaan laut zainal, dkk. As basils, ocimum species are often referred to as the king of the herbs. Exploring the potential effect of ocimum sanctum in. Pengaruh pemberian daun kemangi ocimum sanctum terhadap. Therapeutic uses of ocimum sanctum linn tulsi several medicinal properties have been attributed to ocimum sanctum. Daun kemangi ocimum sanctum l dan ekstrak kulit jeruk purut citrus hystrix indri kusuma dewi, bambang yunianto kementerian kesehatan politeknik kesehatan surakarta jurusan jamu absctract. Male wistar rats were given streptozotocin to induce diabetes and randomly divided into groups.

The mechanical hyperalgesia, cold allodynia, paw heat hyperalgesia and cold tail. However, so far no evidence has been found on the effect of ocimum sanctum leaves on the levels of estrogen, fsh, lh, and the size of ovarian anthral follicles. Ocimum sanctum has been used for a wide range of ailments in traditional medicine. Tingginya angka kematian akibat infeksi dan peningkatan resistensi antibiotik sehingga diperlukan terapi alternatif memanfaatkan bahan alami tanaman. Pdf ocimum sanctum described as sacred and medicinal plant in ancient literature, commonly. Nephropathy is an important comorbidity associated with diabetes leading to chronic kidney disease. The present study was designed to investigate the ameliorative potential of ocimum sanctum and its saponin rich fraction in vincristineinduced peripheral neuropathic pain in rats. We studied the effect of ocimum sanctum in comparison to olmesartanmedoxomil, pitavastatin and their combination in prevention of this comorbidity.

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